A Oficina
A Oficina
Centro Cultural Vila Flor
Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães
1. Casa da Memória de Guimarães
Centro de Criação de Candoso
Teatro Oficina
Educação e Mediação Cultural
2. Loja Oficina




Signals and Signs



José de Guimarães

Number, letter, word, spelling, onomatopoeia, phrase... are all elements of a critique of the sign in José de Guimarães’ oeuvre, in his permanent deconstruction and reconstruction of a lexicon.

José de Guimarães’ oeuvre began to be consolidated in the second half of the 20th century on the basis of graphic signs. One of his first paintings, entitled Começar (Beginning) (1966), presents the number 1 as if reflected in a mirror. From the 1960s onwards, he pursued constant research into the sign, involving different perspectives: political messages, lyricism, the graphic discourse of the streets, the alphabet, reliquaries, manifestos and neon signs.

The exhibition Signos Sinais (Signals Signs), displayed in rooms 5 and 6, corresponds to a brief chapter in José de Guimarães’ long narrative about signs, which the CIAJG assumes as a line of ongoing research.

Aimer (To Love), Rejoint (Reunite), Voyage (Journey), Vent (Wind) are illuminated words presented on a single occasion in Brussels (Belgium), in the Tournay-Solvay Park, in 2006. Originally displayed among the trees in the middle of the park, next to bronze birds, José de Guimarães called them “nomadic voices”. The artist’s experimental richness is expressed by other works produced with neon light, together with drawings that combine the rigid typography and fluidity of the contours.

José de Guimarães was born in Guimarães, in 1939. He lives and works in Lisbon and Paris. An engineer by training, he studied artistic techniques at the Portuguese Engravers Cooperative Society. He served as a soldier in Angola, between 1967 and 1974, during the colonial war. He participated in several avant-garde cultural events and published the manifesto “Arte Perturbadora!” (Disturbing art) in 1968. His work, produced over more than fifty decades, is represented in the most important institutional collections in Portugal and around the world. His artistic approach focuses on intersections with the art of non-Western civilizations - African, Chinese and Meso-American – in an incessant search for non-verbal relations, also linked to the collector’s activity, to which he has dedicated his time over various decades. Over the last decade, anthological or retrospective exhibitions have been dedicated to his work in Portugal, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, Angola, China, Japan, among others.

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